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Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on the Implementation of Carbon Pricing to Achieve the Nationally Determined Contribution Target and Control over Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the National Development

2021PolicyAdaptation, Mitigation
Sectors: Economy-wide
The Presidential Regulation is intended to serve as a basis for the implementation of carbon pricing (NEK) and to be a guideline on GHG emission reduction through policies, measures, and activities to achieve NDC target and to control GHG emissions in the national development.

The aim, as set out in article 3 para. 1, is to regulate GHG emission reduction, climate resilience enhancement, and NEK in order to achieve NDC target.

The scope of this Presidential Regulation is set out in article 4 and includes:
  • efforts to achieve the NDC target;
  • procedure for carbon pricing implementation;
  • transparency framework;
  • monitoring and evaluation;
  • capacity building and finance; and 
  • steering committee.

Pursuant to article 47 para. 1, the implementation of carbon pricing is carried out through mechanisms of:
  • Carbon Trading;
  • Results-based Payment;
  • Carbon Levy; and/or
  • other mechanisms in accordance with the development of science and technology determined by the Minister.
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Main document

Presidential Regulation No. 98 of 2021 on the Implementation of Carbon Pricing to Achieve the Nationally Determined Contribution Target and Control over Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the National Development
  • Reduce GHG Emissions by 29% up to 41% by 2030 compared to the BAU scenario in the amount of 2,869 million tonnes of CO2GHG Emissions Reduction by 29% is GHG Emissions reduction target unconditionally in the amount of 834 million tonnes of CO2e.GHG Emissions Reduction by 41% is GHG Emissions reduction target up to 1,185 million tonnes of CO2e, subject to the availability of international cooperation. Economy-wide · Target year: 2030




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.