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Grenada Strategic Program for Climate Resilience

2011Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management, Loss And DamagePolicyProgrammeMore details
Sectors: LULUCF, Transport, Water
The Grenada Strategic (Investment) Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) is the key component of the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR), developed by the Ministry of Finance, Planning, Economy, Energy and Co-operatives in cooperation with and under financial assistance of the World Bank (the PPCR is housed within the Strategic Climate Funds established under the Climate Investment Fund of the World Bank and aims to help countries transform to a low-carbon climate resilient development path, consistent with poverty reduction and sustainable development goals).
 The SPCR proposes a comprehensive package of infrastructure projects and technical assistance activities to be financed under the PPCR. It first identifies the key challenges related to climate change vulnerability:
  • Key infrastructure in the country is vulnerable to significant loss and damage from extreme weather events, sea level rise and storm surges;
  • Key natural resources like forests, beaches, soil and water have been damaged and threatened;
  • Lack of systems, expertise and facilities to collect, store and analyse relevant information and data on topics related to climate change;
  • Inadequate knowledge and awareness of potential impact of climate change and lack of technical skills to address them;
  • Policies, laws, rules and regulations related to climate change and disaster risk reduction need strengthening and the capacity to enforce these revised regulations need enhancement;
  • Planning for a co-ordinated response to climate change and disaster risk reduction activities need improvement.
 It proposes six main areas of intervention through investment projects (IP) and technical assistance (TA):
  • IP1: Disaster Vulnerability and Climate Risk Reduction
  • IP 2: Forest Rehabilitation
  • TA 1: Water Resources Assessment and Management Study
  • TA 2: Roadmap for Coastal Zone Management
  • TA 3: Improving the Use of Data & GIS for Climate Change Adaptation
  • TA 4: Preparation of a Project for Rehabilitation of Bathway Sandstone Reef.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Grenada Strategic Program for Climate Resilience




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.