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National Transport Plan 2018-2029 (Meld. St. 33 2016-2017)

2017PolicyMitigationMore details
Sectors: Transport, Urban
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

National Transport Plan 2018-2029 (Meld. St. 33 2016-2017)
  • Reduce emissions of urban buses by 100% (2025), of new coaches by 75% (2030), of new trucks by 50% (2030), of urban freight by 100% (2030), of rail by 100% (2030); increase biofuels in aviation by 1% (2019), then 30% (2030) by 2030 against a 2018 baselineTransportation: Public Transport · Target year: 2030


