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2013 Act no. 40 (on renewable fuels in transport on land)

2013MitigationLegislativeLawMore details
Sectors: Energy, Environment, Transport, Waste
This Act aims to increase the share of renewable energy sources in land transport and efficiently reduce greenhouse gas emissions accordingly. Art. 3 states that the fuel supplier must ensure that at least 3.5% of the total energy value of the fuel for use in transport comes from renewable sources. This baseline raises to 5.0 % from 1 January 2015. Renewable fuels derived from organic or inorganic waste materials which can not be used in human or animal feed, such as organic waste, solid waste solids, cellulose and lignocellulose can be considered twice as much as the same amount otherwise renewable fuel. 

Art. 4 defines the fuels complying with this Act, and states that manufacturers or retailers of renewable fuels shall demonstrate that the fuel is renewable and its production complies with the sustainability criteria. Only biofuels considered sustainable by the Ministry in charge of this matter can be deemed renewable (based on biodiversity and carbon impacts).
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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2013 Act no. 40 (on renewable fuels in transport on land)
  • 5% land transport fuel from renewable by 2015Transportation: Renewable Energy And Biofuels · Target year: 2015




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.