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Climate Change Action Plan 2011-2023

2011Adaptation, MitigationPolicyPlanMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Economy-wide, Energy, LULUCF, Transport, Water
The Action Plan sets out a road map with short, medium and long-term plans for the fight against climate change encompassing all sectors of the economy.
 Overall the plan involves providing climate-friendly goals that underpin Turkey's growth. These include: strengthening the existing information structure on low carbon progress, and developing financing models for the transition to a low carbon economy. This is with the aim of improving the fiscal and technical infrastructure to enable the limitation of GHG emissions Some details of the extensive Plan are highlighted below:
 The plan includes a number of measurable goals regarding energy supply, efficiency standards in Buildings buildings, and incentivising renewables. For example:
 - Reducing primary energy intensity by 10% compared to 2008 by 2015
 Limiting GHG emissions from coal-fired electricity production, by using cleaner technologies and taking efficiency-increasing measures by increasing the average cycle efficiencies of existing coal-fired thermal power plants until 2023
 - Issuing 'Energy Performance Certificates' to all buildings until 2017
 - Decreasing annual energy consumption in the buildings and premises of public institutions by 10% until 2015 and by 20% until 2023
 - At least 20% of the annual energy demand of new buildings will be met via renewable energy resources as of 2017
 - Reducing GHG emissions in new settlements by at least 10% in comparison with existing settlements (which are selected as pilot regions and the GHG emissions of which are identified until 2015) until 2023.
 - Increase forest carbon sequestration by 15% of 2007 value until 2020 ( 14,500 Gg by 2007, 16,700 Gg by 2020)
 - Reduce deforestation and forest damage by 20% compared to 2007 values by 2020
 Land use change
 - Integrate climate change in land use and land use changes management strategies by 2015
 - Increase the amount of sequestered carbon in agricultural forestry activities by 10% by 2020 compared to 2007 values
 - Quantify the carbon stored in pastures and meadows in 2012. Increase this by 3% by 2020
 The plan aims to ensure the balanced use of types of passenger and freight transport, specifically:
 - Increasing the share of railroads in freight transport from 5% in 2009 to 15%, and in passenger transport from 2% in 2009 to 10% by 2023
 - Increasing by 2023, the share of seaways in freight transport from 2.66% of tonne/km in 2009 to 10%, and in passenger transport from 0.37% in passenger/km in 2009 to 4%,
 - Decreasing by 2023 the share of highways in freight transport from 80.63% of tonne/km in 2009 to below 60%, and in passenger transport from 89.59% in passenger/km in 2009 to 72%
 - Developing the necessary legislation, institutional structure and guidance documents until the end of 2023 for implementation of sustainable transport planning in cities
 - Dissemination of the use of alternative fuels and clean vehicle technologies in the transport sector by making legal arrangements and building capacity to increase use of alternative fuels and clean vehicles until 2023
 - Increasing efficiency in energy consumption of transport sector by limiting energy consumption in transport until 2023.
 Adaptation objectives:
 - Integrating adaptation to the impacts of climate change into water resource management policies
 - Strengthening water resources management capacity, interagency cooperation and coordination with regard to adaptation to climate change
 - Develop and expand R&D and scientific studies to ensure adaptation to the impacts of climate change in water resources management
 - Integrated management of water resources and water basins for adaptation to climate change
 - Planning renewable energy resources taking into consideration the impacts of climate change and the sustainability of the ecosystem services oriented to increase resilience to climate change
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Republic of Turkey Climate Change Action Plan 2011 - 2023
(Original Language)PDF

Other documents in this entry

Republic of Turkey Climate Change Action Plan 2011 - 2023
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions in new settlements by at least 10% per settlement in comparison to existing settlements by 2023Urban: Energy · Target year: 2023
  • Increase the amount of sequestered carbon as a result of agricultural forestry activities by 10% by 2020 against a 2007 baselineLULUCF: Carbon Sequestration · Target year: 2020
  • Reduce nationwide electricity distribution losses to 8% by 2023 by 2023Energy: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2023
  • Decrease annual energy consumption in the buildings and premises of public institutions by 10% until 2015 and by 20% until 2023 by 2023Buildings: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2023
  • Reduce primary energy intensity by 10% compared to 2008 by 2015 against a 2008 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2015




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.