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Decree No. 66/020 Approving the National Policy for Comprehensive Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in Uruguay 2019-2030

2020Disaster Risk ManagementPolicyDecreeMore details
The document comprises five parts:

  • Introduction and context;
  • Outlook to 2030, the meaning of the Policy;
  • Strategic aces and policy measures;
    1. Production and management of knowledge and information on emergency and disaster risk;
    2. Risk management culture and communication;
    3. Systemic articulation with development plans and national, departmental and international development policies;
    4. Prospective emergency and disaster risk management;
    5. Corrective emergency and disaster risk management;
    6. Compensatory emergency and disaster risk management: response capacity and resilience; and
    7. Recovery and reconstruction.
  • Policy implementation instruments; and
  • Policy management.

In articulating its lines of action and evaluation mechanisms, the Policy considers climate change adaptation and variability. 

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Main document

Decree No. 66/020 Approving the National Policy for Comprehensive Emergency and Disaster Risk Management in Uruguay 2019-2030




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.