This Plan replaces previous versions of the plan.
The Ministry of Energy and Mines is the body responsible for the Indicative Planning of the country’s Electric Sector, which aims to guide the optimal use and development of energy resources, taking into account the environment.
In any power electrical system, when non-dispatchable renewable generation (wind, solar, run-of-river hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal) is introduced, it is necessary to deeply analyse its behaviour in the operation of the system. Additionally, the expansion and reinforcement of the transmission and distribution network must be carried out to transport the energy produced to the consumption centers. For this, there must be indicative plans for medium- and long-term expansion for both segments.
Indicative Expansion Plan for Generation 2021-2035: The generation plan obtained implies the addition of 962 MW during the study period. Of this additional capacity, 100 MW will be for solar photovoltaics, 207 MW for wind, 25 MW for geothermal, and 330 MW for hydroelectric projects, in addition to 300 MW from natural gas.