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Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020 for Reliable, Efficient and Cleaner Energy

2011MitigationLegislativeStrategyMore details
Sectors: Waste, Transport, Economy-wide, Energy
The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020 was published in 2011. The Energy strategy is worked out by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism and approved by the Council of Ministers. The present National Energy Strategy till 2020 reflects the European energy policy framework and the global trends in the development of energy technologies. The main priorities in the Energy Strategy are:1) to guarantee the security of energy supply 2) to attain the targets for renewable energy 3) to increase the energy efficiency 4) to develop a competitive energy market and policy for the purpose of meeting the energy needs 5) to protect the interests of the consumers. These priorities also determine the Government's vision for the development of the energy which is :1) maintaining a safe, stable and reliable energy system 2) keeping the energy sector a leading branch of the economy with definite orientation to foreign trade 3) focus on clean and low-emission energy - from nuclear and renewable sources4) balance between quantity, quality and prices of the electric power produced from renewable sources, nuclear energy, coal and natural gas 5) transparent, efficient and highly professional management of the energy companies. The strategy also lays down the main national targets for the energy sector: 16% share of energy from renewables in gross final energy consumption by 2020; 10% share of energy from renewables in the gross final energy consumption in transport by 2020; and energy efficiency increase by 25% by 2020.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020 for Reliable, Efficient and Cleaner Energy
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Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria until 2020 for Reliable, Efficient and Cleaner Energy
  • 10% reduction in emissions from non-ETS plants, 21% reduction from ETS plants by 2020 compared with 2005Economy-wide: Economy Wide · Target year: 2020
  • 35% reduction in GHG (from Biofuel/biomass use) in the short term, then by 50% in 2017, and by 60% in 2018 compared with a business as usual scenarioEnergy: Renewable Energy: Biofuels · Target year: 2018
  • 50% reduction energy intensity of GDP (456 tonnes/year) by 2020 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2020
  • 16% final energy consumption from renewables by 2020Energy: Renewable Energy · Target year: 2020




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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.