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Energy White Paper

2013PolicyMitigationMore details
Sectors: Economy-wide, Energy
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Energy White Paper
  • In the residential sector, reduce energy consumption to 36% from the Business-As-Usual (business as usual) scenario which is about 16.2% of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2035
  • In the commercial sector, 41% reduction which is about 18.5% of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2035
  • Reduce energy consumption to 10% from the Business-As-Usual (business as usual) scenario which is about 4.5%t of the total targeted energy intensity reduction by 2035 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2035
  • Increase efficiency in the power generation from 23% to more than 45% by 2035 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2035
  • 45 percent energy intensity reduction by 2035 (with 2005 as the base year) by 2035 against a 2005 baselineEnergy: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2035


