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Federal Sustainability Plan: Catalyzing America's Clean Energy Industries and Jobs

2021Adaptation, MitigationPolicyPlanMore details
Sectors: Buildings, Energy, Industry, Public Sector, Transport
The Federal Sustainability Plan broadly seeks to mainstream sustainability within the federal workforce, advance equity and environmental justice, and leverage partnerships to accelerate progress. It also sets a pathway for a transition towards zero GHG emissions of the federal portfolio of 300,000 buildings, and 600,000 cars and trucks, to achieve net-zero emissions from federal procurement and operations by 2050.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Federal Sustainability Plan: Catalyzing America's Clean Energy Industries and Jobs

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Information on the Federal Sustainability Plan
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  • Net-zero emissions from federal procurement no later than 2050, including a Buy Clean policy to promote use of construction materials with lower embodied emissions. Public Sector: Procurement · Target year: 2050
  • A net-zero emissions building portfolio by 2045, including a 50 percent emissions reduction by 2032Public Sector: Buildings
  • Net-zero emissions from overall federal operations by 2050, including a 65 percent emissions reduction by 2030.Public Sector: Transport: General
  • 100 percent carbon pollution-free electricity (CFE) by 2030, at least half of which will be locally supplied clean energy to meet 24/7 demandPublic Sector: Renewable Energy · Target year: 2030
  • 100 percent zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) acquisitions by 2035, including 100 percent zero-emission light-duty vehicle acquisitions by 2027; Public Sector: Transport: General · Target year: 2035




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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.