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Law on the reduction and termination of coal-fired power generation and the amendment of further laws (Kohleausstiegsgesetz)

2020LegislativeMitigationMore details
Sectors: Energy
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Law on the reduction and termination of coal-fired power generation and the amendment of further laws (Kohleausstiegsgesetz)
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Other documents in this entry

KVbG - 2022 amendment
(Original Language)amendmentPDF
  • Limit the amount of electricy production from coal power plants to 30GW 2022, 17GW by 2030, and 0GW by 2038 at the latestEnergy · Target year: 2038
  • Limit the amount of electricy production from coal power plants to 15 GW of hard coal and 15GW of lignite by 2022, 8GW of hard coal and 9GW of lignite by 2030, 0GW of hard coal and 0GW of lignite by 2038 at the latestEnergy · Target year: 2038


