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National Agroforestry Strategy 2022-2032

2022MitigationPolicyStrategyMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, LULUCF

The strategy focuses on: the establishment of a policy and institutional basis for the wider promotion and adoption of agroforestry in The Gambia; the enhancement of coordination in agroforestry programmatic designs and implementation to promote institutional collaboration and technical backstopping; promotion of agroforestry knowledge creation, dissemination, adoption and monitoring for effective adoption of context-appropriate agroforestry practices at scale; adoption of investment mechanisms for agroforestry through wood and non-wood-based value chains promotion, including: multilateral environmental agreement, participatory forest management, protected areas, energy production through fuelwood; creation of an environment for inclusive participation of all stakeholders in agroforestry promotion and the associated value chains.

Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main documents

National Agroforestry Strategy 2022-2032
(Original Language)PDF
National Agroforestry Strategy 2022-2032
(Original Language)PDF




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