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National Biodiversity Policy (Government agreement N.220-2011)

2011AdaptationPolicyPolicyMore details
Sectors: Environment, LULUCF, Transport, Water
The effects of climate change on biological diversity and the role of the latter in potential climate change mitigation and adaptation constitute one of the five axes of the National Biological Diversity Policy. Its objective is to 'promote the use of biodiversity as a tool for strengthening the mechanisms for adaptation and mitigation of risks associated with climate change, as well as reduction of vulnerability of ecosystems, species and genes (…)'. The objective is to be reached by following five strategic lines:
  • promote co-operation among national, subnational and international entities on research into biodiversity protection and sustainable use techniques that could contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • strategies of adaptation and reduction of vulnerability - identify measures for integrating the knowledge, innovation and traditional practices to limit climate change vulnerability
  • traditional knowledge and climate change - use traditional and local knowledge to identify climate change mitigation and adaptation measures
  • opportunities and benefits - identify potential benefits for biodiversity protection to be obtained through climate change mitigation and adaptation mechanisms (such as through the REDD+, payment for environmental services, carbon permits and others)
  • reduce emissions and vulnerability - reduce deforestation and forest degradation rates inside and outside of protected areas to reduce GHG emissions, as well as support other ecosystem services, such as water storage and supply regulation, reduction of risk of floods, landslides, desertification and erosion.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

National Biodiversity Policy (Government agreement N.220-2011)




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.