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National Climate Change Action Plan (2008-2012; 2017-2022)

2008PolicyAdaptationMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Coastal zones, Energy, Environment, Health, LULUCF, Transport, Water
The Action Plan is intended as a short-term measure designed to generate key information that will be used to prepare longer-term national and sector-specific adaptation and mitigation plans. The Plan includes both situation analysis and strategic considerations as its base, and details of actions to be taken on three areas (adaptation, mitigation and capacity-building) and the entities responsible for delivery.
 The analysis takes into account climate change science in Chile and abroad, the country's vulnerability and the actions needed for adaptation. It includes GHG emissions from the energy sector, advances in analysing emission scenarios and mitigation potential. It also delves into the country's capacity to design and implement policies, strategies and actions for adaptation and for mitigating emissions from legal, institutional and public policy perspectives. It further assesses national capacities for participating in international negotiations, meetings and reviews of IPCC reports, international and national co-operation initiatives on climate change, clean development mechanisms, and the carbon offset market, among others.
 The main adaptation actions proposed are: generating local climate scenarios, determining the impacts of climate change and the corresponding adaptation measures and formulating national and sector-based plans for adaptation to climate change. Specifically, the Plan affirms the need to determine impacts on water resources, biodiversity, the forestry, agriculture and livestock sectors, hydropower generation, infrastructure, coastal zones, fishery resources and public health.
 The Plan calls for a national programme and sector-based plans for mitigating GHGs. The actions proposed include: designing a system to update GHG inventories; assessing the total and sector-specific potential for reducing GHGs; preparing indicators to monitor the impact of actions taken; preparing GHG mitigation plans, policies and strategies and generating mitigation scenarios for different timeframes.
 The capacity building and development actions contemplated include: a national programme of education and awareness-raising; a national fund for researching biodiversity and climate change; technical and economic assessment for a climate change monitoring network; and a national registry of glaciers.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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National Climate Change Action Plan (2008-2012; 2017-2022)
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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.