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Ordinance for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions (CO2 Ordinance), SR 641.711

2013PolicyAdaptation, MitigationMore details
Sectors: Buildings, Energy
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Ordinance for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions (CO2 Ordinance), SR 641.711
  • Building sector to emit no more than 78% of 1990 emissions by 2015 against a 1990 baselineBuildings: Buildings · Target year: 2015
  • Industry sector to emit no more than 93% of 1990 emissions by 2015 against a 1990 baselineIndustry: General · Target year: 2015
  • Transport sector to emit no more than 100% of 1990 emissions by 2015Transportation: General · Target year: 2015


