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Royal Decree 617/2017, of 16 June, regulating the direct granting of aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles, and for the implementation of charging points for electric vehicles in 2017 (Plan MOVEA 2017)

2017MitigationPolicyRoyal DecreeMore details
Sectors: Energy, Transport
The purpose of Royal Decree 617/2017 is to regulate the direct granting of aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles (electric, LPG, CNG and LNG vehicles) and for the implementation of charging points for electric vehicles, in pursuance of the objectives of the MOVEA Plan (Plan to Boost Mobility with Alternative Energy Vehicles).The Decree sets out the beneficiaries, eligibility criteria and the amount of the aid, as well as administrative arrangements and procedures.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Updated Royal Decree 617/2017, regulating the direct granting of aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles, and for the implementation of charging points for electric vehicles in 2017 (Plan MOVEA 2017)
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Royal Decree 617/2017, of 16 June, regulating the direct granting of aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles, and for the implementation of charging points for electric vehicles in 2017 (Plan MOVEA 2017)
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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.