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Spanish Strategy for Climate Change and Clean Energy and the related Plan of Urgent Measures

2007Adaptation, MitigationPolicyStrategyMore details
Sectors: Energy
The Spanish Climate Change and Clean Energy Strategy (EECCEL) horizon 2007-2012-2020 is part of the Spanish Sustainable Development Strategy (EEDS). The EECCEL includes different measures that contribute to sustainable development within the scope of climate change and clean energy. This Strategy is based on the reference framework of the 'Spanish Strategy for the fulfilment of the objectives under the Kyoto Protocol', and it takes into account the measures and Programmes adopted by the Autonomous Communities. The strategy has two chapters. The first one defines actions to fight against climate change and the second one, actions to achieve cleaner energy. Each chapter includes a description of the present situation, the objectives to be reached, the suggested measures and a selection of indicators for the corresponding follow-up. The operational objectives are: - To ensure the reduction of GHG emissions in Spain, giving special importance to measures related to the energy sector. According to the national inventory, in 2005, emissions from energy process represented about 78.87% of total national emissions. - To contribute to sustainable development and the fulfilment of climate change commitments by strengthening the use of flexible project-based mechanisms. - To promote additional reduction measures in sectors concerned with diffuse pollution. - To apply the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) so as to integrate adaptation measures and strategies in sectoral policies. - To increase public awareness with respect to clean energy and climate change. - To promote research, development and innovation in matters of climate change and clean energy. - To guarantee energy supply security by means of cleaner energies, mainly from renewable sources, achieving other environmental benefits (for example, air quality) and limiting the growth rate of external energy dependence. - To boost energy- and resource efficiency for companies and for end users. The government has adopted a Plan of Urgent Measures (PMU), which together with the 2008-2012 Energy Saving and Efficiency Action Plan aims to consolidate the trend change of GHG emissions in Spain initiated in 2006.
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Main documents

Urgent Measures of the Spanish Strategy on Climate Change and Clean Energy (EECCEL)
(Original Language)PDF
Spanish Climate Change And Clean Energy Strategy Horizon 2007- 2012 -2020
(Original Language)PDF
Spanish Climate Change And Clean Energy Strategy Horizon 2007- 2012 -2020
(Original Language)PDF
  • Absorb 2% of 1990 emissions through the development of carbon sinks in the LULUCF sector between 2008 and 2012 against a 1990 baselineLULUCF: Carbon Sequestration · Target year: 2012
  • Electricity from renewable sources to reach 32% in 2012 and 37% by 2020Energy: Renewable Energy · Target year: 2020
  • 10% of biofuels in the transport sector by 2020Transportation: Renewable Energy And Biofuels · Target year: 2020




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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.