The Tonga Strategic Roadmap for Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) is a joint outcome of the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) and National Emergency stakeholders and supports the implementation of Tonga’s Strategic Development Framework 2015-2025, particularly the objectives relating to enhancing Tonga’s resilience to climate change and its associated risks.
The Roadmap aims to enhance dialogue and facilitate coordinated action over Tonga’s DRM response, as well as to identify mechanisms for monitoring progress, and highlights six priority outcomes to implement over the next three years:
“1: Tonga has fully functioning Emergency Operation Centres supported by an established emergency coordination and communications system.
2: Tonga’s emergency and disaster risk management sector is more inclusive.
3: Government Policy, planning, budget and procurement processes actively supports the mainstreaming of disaster risk management in Tonga.
4: The Cluster System in Tonga is fully institutionalised and strengthened.
5: Tonga has clear standards and guidelines for evacuation process management in Tonga with increased safety and security of Evacuation Centres.
6: Tonga practices Participatory Village Emergency and Disaster Risk Management planning and implementation.”