Ministerial order that fixes the guaranteed purchase tariffs for electricity produced from installations that use photovoltaic (PV) energy, and the conditions that apply to their application. This decree establishes a variable 20-year Solar PV feed-in-tariff (FIT) for ground-mounted solar installations greater than 1MW.
Fixes the FIT for 1MW to 5MW installations at 15.94 DZD per kWh for the first 5 years and between 20.08 DZD per kWh to 11.80 DZD per kWh for the following 15 years. For installations larger than 5MW, the FIT is fixed at 12.75 DZD per KWh for the first 5 years and between 12.75 DZD per kWh and 9.44 per kWh for the final 15 years.
Only pays the FIT for a limited number of hours per year, following which electricity is sold at a conventional price.