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Federative (6 states, 3 federal territories (of which 2 are self-governing) and 7 external territories)
Political Groups
Global Climate Risk Index
World Bank Income Group
High income
Share of Global Emissions


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Annual Climate Change Statement 2024

This is the Australian Government's annual progress report on climate change and energy initiatives. The Annual Climate Change Statement is a requirement under the Climate Change Act 2022. The statement must consider the Climate Change Authority's advice. It also outlines the government's response to the Authority's recommendations. The 2024 Statement is the third version....

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024

The Treasury Laws Amendment (Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures) Act 2024 amends the Corporations Act 2001 to introduce a mandatory climate-related disclosure regime, set to take effect in Australia on January 1, 2025. Under this Act, specified entities must prepare annual sustainability reports as part of their financial reporting. These reports must outli...

Sustainable Finance Roadmap

On 19 June 2024, the Government released the Sustainable Finance Roadmap. It includes three pillars: improve transparency on climate and sustainability; financial system capabilities; and government leadership and engagement. 

Legislative Process

The Australian parliamentary system is based on the UK’s Westminster system. The Federal Parliament is bicameral, consisting of the House of Representatives (the Lower House), and the Senate (the Upper House). The Senate is composed of equal numbers of representatives from all six Australian states, with additional Senators representing Australian Terri­tories (76 in total). Senators are elected for six-year terms. In the House of Representatives, the number of members of parliament per state is proportional to population (currently 150 members). Members are elected for three-year terms. The most recent election was in July 2016 with the next expected in 2019. Australia retains the Sovereign of the United Kingdom as its head of state. All laws are formally enacted by the Sovereign (Royal Assent) as a formality after passage through Parliament.

Proposed laws are called bills, and can be introduced into either House, except for bills that propose expenditure or tax levies (appropriation or money bills), which must be introduced in the House of Representatives. In practice, most bills are introduced in the House of Representatives. All bills must be passed (by a series of three readings) by both Houses to become law (Acts). It is possible for the Senate to block the passage of legislation even when the gov­ernment has a clear majority in the House of Representatives. In the case of parliamentary deadlock, the constitution allows the Governor-General (the Sovereign’s representative) to authorise a “double dissolution” election under specific circumstances, at the request of the Prime Minister.

Australia operates under a Federal system of government, with six states (formerly separate colonies) and two territories with considerable autonomy, defined areas of jurisdictional responsibility under the Constitution and separate Parliaments. This chapter covers only those laws and policies that are enacted nationwide.