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Concept of Energy Security of the Republic of Belarus (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No.433)

2007MitigationPolicyDecreeMore details
Sectors: Economy-wide, Energy, Transport, Waste
The Concept provides for:
1) Reducing energy intensity of GDP by at least 31% by 2010, 50 % by 2015 and 60% by 2020 compared to 2005
2) Production by 2012 of no less than 25 % of electricity and heat from local fuels and alternative energy sources
3) Diversification of oil, natural gas, electricity, coal and nuclear fuel supplies, with imports from one country not supplying more than 65 % of the energy consumed from 2020
4) Reduction of share of natural gas in the primary energy sources mix
5) Construction of two nuclear power units (2,000 MW- further specified by the Law ? 426-? ‘On Use of Nuclear Power') by 2020
6) Strengthening efforts to build nuclear power plants, coal-fired thermal power plants, hydroelectric small and medium power plants, CHP, as well as plants using biofuel, wind power, biogas, solid municipal waste and other wastes
7) Reconstruction of existing and construction of new underground storage capacities for natural gas, oil and fuel oil
8) Reduction of energy production costs energy production through energy-saving technologies, as well as reduction of losses during extraction, processing, transport and distribution of fuel and heat
 Further secondary legislation was adopted, including the following.
 Strategy of Reducing Emissions and Enhancing Absorption of Greenhouse Gases in the Republic of Belarus for 2007-2012, which assesses the emission reduction potential of Belarus and evaluates main GHG emission abatement scenarios.
 The Strategy for development of energy potential in Belarus for the period of 2011-2015 and until 2020, which aims at determining further potential for development and improvement of legal, organisational, economic, technical and technological conditions for an effective development of the country's energy potential. It supports the targets defined in the Concept of Energy Security of the Republic of Belarus and clarifies key parameters and mechanisms of fuel and energy resources development. It reiterates the necessity of creating a new institutional framework for effective development and operation of energetics in market conditions.
 The strategy priorities are:
1) Increasing energy security of Belarus;
2) Ensuring complete and reliable supply of the population and economy with energy;
3) Reducing the costs per unit of energy production, transport and energy consumption;
4) Maximizing the use of local energy resources
The strategy is directed among others at achieving the following targets for 2009, 2015 and 2020 (compared to 2005):
1) Energy intensity reduction by 24.8%, 50.0%, 60.0% respectively compared to 2005
2) Share of local energy resources in boiler and furnace consumption of 20.3%, 28- 30%, 32-34% respectively
3) Share of natural gas in boiler and furnace fuels consumption of 71.8%, 64.0%, 55.0% respectively
4) Limitation of the share of energy supplied from the dominant energy supplier to 82.3%, 70- 71%, 64 - 57% respectively of the gross consumption of fuel and energy resources
5) Increasing capacity of emergency gas and fuel oil storage (number of days) by 61.2%, 78.9%, 118.0% respectively
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Concept of Energy Security of the Republic of Belarus (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No.433)
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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.