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Strategy of technological development of Belarus up to 2015 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1420)

2010MitigationPolicyStrategyMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Energy, Industry, Transport, Waste, Water
The Strategy aims to reduce the energy intensity of different industrial sectors by 10-30% (textile and clothing industry: 25-30%; production of building materials and construction 30%; wood, wood products and paper industry 10-15%; agriculture 10-12%). It lays down the objectives for energy efficiency improvements in the ‘electricity, gas and water' sectors. Among others, the targets include:
  • Annual savings of fuel and energy resources equal to 1.015 million toe compared to 2009
  • Development of technologies for energy production from alternative sources, as well as from oil shale and lignite
  • Development of technologies for 100% recycling of coal ash from power plants and development of peat and biomass electricity and heat production
  • Development of technology for biogas production from organic waste
  • Modernization of energy sources through the introduction of highly efficient CHP technology
  • Installation of steam and gas turbines in existing boilers and transforming them into mini-CHP in order to improve the efficiency of power equipment
  • Introduction of photovoltaic technology and optoelectronic technologies, and energy efficient LED lighting and alarm devices and systems
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Strategy of technological development of Belarus up to 2015 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1420)
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  • 10-15% reduction energy intensity of wood products and pulp by 2015 against a 2008 baselineIndustry: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2015
  • 1,015 thousand TCE fuel and energy resources saved annual by 2015 against a 2009 baselineIndustry: Fuels · Target year: 2015
  • 30% decrease in energy intensity of construction by 2015 against a 2009 baselineIndustry: Energy Intensity · Target year: 2015




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.