The CCAP contributes to the implementation of the Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023. The CCAP defines concrete actions and necessary resources for the operationalisation of climate change response in the period of 2021-2023. The plan is centred around the objectives to 1) develop policies in the energy sector to ensure the key goal of supplying adequate, reliable, and low-cost energy sources to increase the competitive position 2) improve and promote the infrastructure necessary for the energy sector towards climate change resilience, and green development 3) implementing the GHG emission management approach for the energy sector 4) improve the knowledge, awareness, and capacities for responding to climate change.
The Plan has two strategic targets centred around the development of energy in Cambodia:
- By 2020 all villages need to be connected to some form of electric supply
- By 2030 at least 70% of all households have actress to grid quality electricity