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Law 697 promoting the Rational and Efficient use of Energy and the Use of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources

2001MitigationLegislativeLawMore details
Sectors: Buildings, Energy, Industry, Transport

This Law declares the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Use of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources as a public interest issue and as a national priority to ensure energy supply, competitiveness and environmental protection. The State is mandated to establish the legal, technical, economic and financial framework needed for the development and application of the law and the development of short-, medium- and long-term projects. It is planned to set up a Programme for the Rational Use of Energy and the Use of Renewable Forms of Energy (PROURE) under the auspices of the Ministry of Mines and Energy. It is also intended to develop political guidelines and strategies along with instruments to promote non-conventional energy sources, with the main emphasis being placed on regions that do not have access to electricity. Special obligations are foreseen for public service companies. The government shall support energy efficiency and renewables research and development programmes. Companies that manufacture or import components for use in exploiting renewable energy sources and energy efficiency are to receive special assistance. The Ministry of Mines and Energy is responsible for the promotion, organisation, facilitation and monitoring of energy efficiency and renewables programmes under the PROURE Programme to be gradually expanded to cover all the energy chain. Regulated by Decree 3683 of 2003 and Decree 2688 of 2008, further regulated by Decree 2331 of 2007 and Decree 895 of 2008 phasing out incandescent lighting, Decree 2501 of 2007 on energy use of energy-transforming and energy-using products; Decree 3450 of 2008, Resolution 180540 of 2010, Resolution 182544 of 2010 and Resolution 180173 of 2011 banning the commercialisation of low-efficiency lighting and Resolution 180606 of 2008 on technical specifications for lighting in public buildings. On September 28th, 2017, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development issued resolution No. 1988 that establishes energy efficiency goals due to be reached by 2022. Energy savings target transport with 5.49%, industry with 1.71%, tertiary with 1.13% and residential with 0.73%. Specific measures such as low to zero emission vehicles, industrial combustion improvement, energy management systems, energy efficiency in buildings can receive tax benefits for private bodies implementing them by applying to the National Environmental Licensing Authority. The Energy Mining Planning Unit of the Ministry of Mines and Energy published Resolution No. 585 detailing the requirements to get the tax breaks.

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Law 697 promoting the Rational and Efficient use of Energy and the Use of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources
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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.