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Costa Rica

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Global Climate Risk Index
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This plan is approved under the first Action Plan of the National Policy for Adaptation to Climate Change of Costa Rica 2018 - 2030 (PNACC). It aims to implement the adaptation objectives set out in the country's updated NDC, namely to strengthen the conditions of social, economic and environmental resilience of the country in the face of the effects of climate change, thr...


Costa Rica. National communication (NC). NC 4., National Communication from Costa Rica in 2021


Costa Rica First NDC (Updated submission), Nationally Determined Contribution,Adaptation Communication from Costa Rica in 2020

  • net zero 2050Economy-wide · Target year: 2050Source: Decarbonisation plan
  • That Costa Rica elaborated in 2015, a mitigation objective long-term plan for the year 2050, designed on the basis of the best science available at that time and its global responsibility to move towards global carbon neutrality by the second half of the century, which was included in his Contribution Nationally Determined (NDC).Economy-wide · Target year: 2050Source: Decree No. 41122 - 'formalises the Program Carbon Neutral Country 2.0'
  • By 2050, freight transport will be highly efficient and will have reduced emissions by 20% compared to 2018 emissions.Transportation: Efficiency · Target year: 2050Source: Decarbonisation plan
  • In 2050, 95% of the fleet - will be zero emissions.Transportation: General · Target year: 2050Source: Decarbonisation plan
  • In 2050, 85% of the public transport fleet will be zero emissions.Transportation: Public Transport · Target year: 2050Source: Decarbonisation plan

Legislative Process

As established by the 1949 National Constitution, legislative power in Costa Rica is unicameral. The National Assembly is constituted of 57 Members of the Parliament – MPs directly elected for a single four-year term without the possibility of direct re-election. The last elections were held in February 2014 and the next election is scheduled for 2018). The proposal of a piece of law can be initiated by the Executive, the Legislature and directly by citizens. Popular initiative requires the endorsement of a minimum of 5% of the electorate and should not address fiscal issues, taxation, loans and other administrative acts.

The law-making process entails two readings at the National Assembly, before the approved proposal is submitted for the final appraisal of the Executive.

Once passed by the National Assembly, proposed laws are revised by the Executive and require the sanction of the President of the Republic. The President has 10 days to request modifications to the text or veto the proposal. If the Assembly discusses and adopts all requirements of the Executive, the amended law is then in general sanctioned by the President. Once approved by the Assembly and sanctioned by the President, a law enters into force at the indicated date or 10 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.