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This action plan supports the implementation of national commitments regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation. It further seeks to increase national climate ambition through the reduction of social and gender inequalities. Its main objective is to mainstream gender and intercultural perspectives in climate change management through empowering women to take decisi...


The National Adaptation Plan seeks to integrate adaptation into territorial planning. It utilizes the climate risk analyses of the sectors it has prioritized for adaptation to establish corresponding guidelines and directives for mitigation measures. These sectors are natural and hydro heritage, health, human settlements, and productive and strategic sectors – among which ...


This policy seeks to regulate the mobility conditions of local governments to decrease the environmental impact of travel, including the consumption of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  This policy seeks to provide cities with political support to implement programs and projects that enable citizens to move more efficiently, including ma...

Legislative Process

Ecuador was the first Latin American country to successfully move from military rule to a multi-party decentralised democracy based on the rule of law, following a referendum in 1978. However the Republic has endured recurrent periods of political instability during the past decade that have eroded the strength of the state, and weakened the public sector. Historically there has been little co-operation between political parties and the political instability is reflected in the fact that few recent leaders have finished their term in office: there were seven Presidents between 1996 and 2007.

These factors contributed to Ecuador’s constitution being rewritten in 2008, the country’s 20th such change. In 2009 the unicameral 137-seat National Assembly was created, which replaced the Legislative Commission. Assembly members were elected in 2021 by popular vote for a four-year term on a party list mostly-proportional representation system. The new constitution also allows the president and vice-president to be elected for four-year terms. The president in turn appoints a 38-member cabinet. These changes appear to have heralded a new period of political stability, with the incumbent President being re-elected in early 2013.

Ecuador’s Constitution is “the supreme law of the land and prevails over any other legal regulatory framework. The standards and acts of public power must be upheld in conformity with the provisions of the Constitution; otherwise, they shall not be legally binding” (Article 424). The body in charge of controlling, constitutionally interpreting and administering justice is the Constitutional Court, which enjoys administrative and financial autonomy. 

In the judiciary, the National Court of Justice is elected by an independent body of professionals, the Judiciary Council. Judges are elected for nine years. Candidates for the Constitutional Court are selected by the president, government officials and the Supreme Court, with the judges finally appointed by the National Assembly for two-year terms.