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Forestry Policy (2009 - 2019)

2009Adaptation, MitigationPolicyPolicyMore details
Sectors: Economy-wide, Energy, LULUCF, Urban

The Forestry Policy embraces medium term strategies for poverty alleviation and growth. It focuses on research and development, programme development, institutional/organisational development, decentralization and synergy. The Policy aims at engaging in partnerships and networking in order to strengthen national resource base. Specific objectives include 1) further integration of Department of Forestry into the medium and long-term national development framework, 2) ensuring that Department of Forestry create multiplier effects on forest resource management and the domestic economy in general, 3) technology transfer to decentralized structures and development of indigenous technology in forest resource management, and 4) promoting efficient and unified systems for forest resource management.

The Department of Forestry will also engage on integrated resource management programming to maintain and develop forest and mangroves, notably to ensure that 75 % of forest lands are managed and protected, to promote national tree planting and encourage urban forestry. The Department will also promote the production and adoption of efficient fuelwood and biomass charcoal briquette end-use appliances which improve the efficiency and reduce the quantities of these household energy source.

Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Forestry Policy (2009 - 2019)
  • To reserve, maintain and develop forest land resources including mangroves ecosystem covering at least 30% of total land area which is capable of environmental protection by 2019LULUCF: Preservation · Target year: 2019
  • To ensure that 75% of forest lands are managed and protected according to forest management principles and plans in order to increase forest resource base by 2019LULUCF: Preservation · Target year: 2019




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.