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Kiribati Climate Change Policy

2018Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management, Loss And DamagePolicyPolicyMore details
Sectors: Energy, Health, Water
The Kiribati Climate Change Policy is based on seven fundamental principles: 
  1. Safeguarding communities and the country as a whole from the adverse impacts of climate change and disasters and ensuring a safe and resilient Kiribati with a healthy environment for all
  2. Mainstreaming climate change and disaster risk reduction into development planning, policies, strategies, sector plans, and decision-making and budgeting processes at both national and local level
  3. Emphasizing that adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management are shared responsibilities that require coordinated, integrated, multi-partner, multi-sectoral and whole-of-government or whole-of-island approaches
  4. Strengthening key institutions and capacities as a basis for enhanced action and measures to ensure implementation is conducted in an efficient manner
  5. Focusing on actions that will strengthen the long-term resilience of Kiribati communities through sustainable environmental, social and economic benefits that combine the use of modern technologies with the preservation of traditional knowledge
  6. Ensuring that adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management are equitable, inclusive, gender-sensitive, community-driven and participatory, and reflect the commitments that Kiribati has agreed to under various multilateral frameworks
  7. Strengthening and maintaining strategic partnerships both internally and externally
It further establishes national priorities for climate change in ten specific sectors. Important objectives of the policy include integrated coastal zone management, natural resource management, food and water supply management, incentivizing renewable energy and energy efficiency, strengthening ecosystem conservation, improving public awareness of the health effects of climate change, implementing the government's national disaster risk management plan, and improving climate finance.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Kiribati Climate Change Policy
  • 48.8% reduction of emissions by 2025 and 49% by 2030 conditional on international assistance (compared to BAU)Economy-wide · Target year: 2030
  • 13.7% reduction in emissions by 2025 and 12.8% by 2030 (compared to a ‘business as usual’ projection)Economy-wide · Target year: 2030




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.