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National Energy and Climate Plan of the Republic of Lithuania for 2021-2030

2019PolicyAdaptation, MitigationMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Economy-wide, Energy, Health, Transport, Waste
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

National Energy And Climate Action Plan of The Republic Of Lithuania for 2021-2030
(Original Language)PDF
  • Climate neutrality by 2050Economy-wide · Target year: 2050
  • In non-ETS sectors, GHG emissions must be reduced at least by 9 per cent compared to 2005. Economy-wide: GHG · Target year: 2030
  • In sectors covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS), GHG emissions must be reduced by 43% compared to the 2005 levels. Economy-wide: GHG · Target year: 2030
  • To reduce GHG emissions from all sectors of economy by at least 40% compared to 1990.Economy-wide: GHG · Target year: 2030
  • Target 15% increase in GHG reduction outside the EU ETS (compared to 2005) by 2020 and 9% reduction by 2030Economy-wide · Target year: 2030


