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Namibia Biennial Transparency Report. BTR1; National Communications. NC5

Namibia Biennial Transparency Report. BTR1; National Communications. NC5

Namibia Nationally Determined Contribution. NDC1 (Second Update)

Namibia Nationally Determined Contribution. NDC1 (Second Update)

Technical analysis of the fourth biennial update report of Namibia submitted on 18 February 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts

Technical analysis of the fourth biennial update report of Namibia submitted on 18 February 2021. Summary report by the team of technical experts, Technical Analysis Summary Report from UNFCCC Secretariat in 2022

  • By 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively, Namibia will limit its CO2 emissions to 5,933, 6,627, 7,321, 8,014, and 8,708 GgCO2e, the last of which is a 3,733 GgCO2e decline compared with a business as usual scenarioEconomy-wide: Economy Wide · Target year: 2022Source: Fifth National Development Plan
  • By 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, respectively, Namibia will reduce the total area burned by veld fires by 0.4, 0.9, 1.4, 1.9, and 2.4 million hectares against a 2015 baselineLULUCF: LULUCF · Target year: 2022Source: Fifth National Development Plan
  • By 2022, Namibia has a sustainable mix of locally generated energy capacity of 755 MW to support household and industry developmentEnergy: Fuels · Target year: 2022Source: Fifth National Development Plan