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Nauru First NDC (Updated submission), Nationally Determined Contribution from Nauru in 2021
Nauru's updated NDC has been structured around seven national sustainable development priorities to eradicate poverty and to improve the safety, security, and quality of life of its citizens amid climate change.
This document constitutes Nauru's framework climate law. It makes provision for the management and protection of the environment, climate change, the promotion of sustainable development, and to facilitate compliance with international and regional environment related obligations. It defines responsibilities at the government level on climate change and environmental prote...
Targets (4)
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- 30% energy efficiency improvement in residential, commercial, and government sectors by 2020 against a 2014 baselineUrban: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2020Source: Nauru Energy Road Map 2018-2020
- Less than 10% energy loss in power production and distribution by 2015Energy: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2015Source: National Sustainability Development Strategy (NSDS) 2005-2025
- 50% grid electricity supplied from renewables by 2020Energy: Renewable Energy · Target year: 2020Source: Nauru Energy Road Map 2018-2020
- 50% energy consumed from renewables by 2015Energy: Renewable Energy · Target year: 2015Source: Energy Policy Framework