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Decree 1577 Regulating the Interministerial Committee on Renewable Energy

2011MitigationPolicyDecreeMore details
Sectors: Energy
Decree 1577 creates and regulates the functioning of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Renewable Energy, bringing together the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Renewable Energies. Operating under the supervision of the two ministries, the Committee aims to ensure co-ordination of actions and programmes on renewables, improving efficiency in the sector.

Meeting monthly, the Committee is formed of four representatives from each of the two Ministries, although members of the staff of other governmental bodies may take part in the meeting when the issues discussed relate to their agendas.
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Decree 1577 Regulating the Interministerial Committee on Renewable Energy




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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.