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National Environmental Policy 2021

1997Adaptation, MitigationPolicyPolicyMore details
Sectors: Energy, Industry, LULUCF, Transport, Water

The National Environmental Policy (NEP) replaces the National Environmental Policy of 1997. It details the state of the Tanzanian environment according to the government, the overall policy objectives, policy instruments and institutional management. The document notably insists on preventing land degradation, the deterioration of water sources, loss of wildlife habitats and biodiversity, the deterioration of aquatic ecosystems, deforestation, environmental pollution, climate change and safe use of modern biotechnology. The objective of the policy is to establish a national framework for guiding harmonised and coordinated environmental management for the improvement of the welfare of present and future generations.

The specific objectives of the policy are: (i) strengthening the coordination of environmental management in sectors; (ii) enhancing environmentally sound management of land resources for socio-economic development; (iii) promoting environmental management of water sources; (iv) strengthening conservation of wildlife habitats and biodiversity; (v) enhancing conservation of forest ecosystems for sustainable provision of environmental goods and services; (vi) managing pollution; (vii) strengthening the national capacity for addressing climate change impacts; (viii) enhancing conservation of aquatic ecosystem for socio-economic well-being; (ix) ensuring the safety of application of modern biotechnology; (x) promoting gender consideration in environmental management; (xi) promoting good governance in environmental management; (xii) ensuring predictable, accessible, adequate, and sustainable financial resources for environmental management.

Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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National Environmental Policy 2021
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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.