The National Climate Change Master Plan (2015 -2050) is designed to help Thailand achieve sustainable low carbon growth and climate change resilience by 2050, by following the below missions:
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- Climate Change Master Plan (CCMP) 2015-2050
Climate Change Master Plan (CCMP) 2015-2050
Sectors: Agriculture, Buildings, Economy-wide, Energy, Transport, Waste
- "Building climate resilience into national development policy by integrating directions and measures in all sectors at both national and sub-national levels to ensure country's adaptability to climate change;
- Creating mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions, and leading to sustainable low carbon growth;
- Building readiness of master plan implementation by enhancing potential and awareness of all development partners; and
- Developing database, knowledge, and technology to support climate change adaptation and sustainable low carbon growth" (Missions).
To achieve the objectives, the National Climate Change Master Plan (2015 -2050) specifies a set of mitigation, adaptation and capacity building targets.
Short-Term (2016) targets include:
- Develop medium- and long-term GHG emission reduction targets and prepare roadmaps for implementation by sector (including vulnerability maps, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions roadmap, and Measurement, Reporting, and Verification mechanism);
- Establish domestic incentive mechanism, using both legal and economic measures to encourage low carbon development.
Medium-Term (2020) targets include:
- Reduce GHG emissions from energy and transport sectors by 7-20 per cent by 2021 compared to 2005 (subject to level of international support);
- By 2021, supply at least 25 per cent of energy consumed from renewable energy sources;
- Increase ratio of municipalities with more than 10 m2 of green space per capita.
Long-Term (2020-2050) targets include:
- By 2030 reduce energy intensity by at least 25 per cent compared to a business as usual scenario;
- Increase proportion of trips made by public transport;
- Reduce proportion of GHG emissions from land transport;
- Increase proportion of investment in low carbon and environmental friendly industries;
- Reduce open waste dumping area;
- Reduce proportion of open burning in agriculture areas;
- Reduce carbon intensity of the economy.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing
Main document
Climate Change Master Plan (CCMP) 2015-2050

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.