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Resolution no 107/2019 of the Council of Ministers approving the Long-Term Strategy for Carbon Neutrality of the Portuguese Economy in 2050

2019PolicyMitigationMore details
Sectors: Economy-wide, Energy, Transport
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

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Decree-Law No. 85/2019

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Information on Decree-Law No. 85/2019
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  • Sets target to achieve net-zero by 2050.Economy-wide · Target year: 2050
  • References the Kigali Amendment - international agreement goal of reudcing fluorinated gas emissions over time: -10% in 2019; -40% in 2024; -70% in 2029; -80% in 2034; -85% in 2036Economy-wide · Target year: 2036
  • Targets a reduction of between 85-90% GHG emissions by 2050 (as compared to 2005) and the compensation of the remaining emissions through land use and forests, through an emission reduction trajectory between 45-55% by 2030, and between 65-75% by 2040 (both compared to 2005).Economy-wide · Target year: 2050
  • By 2050, a significant reduction in GHG emissions from wastewater from -77% to -78%, compared to 2005.Waste · Target year: 2050
  • By 2050, the amount of waste deposited in landfills should be reduce (-60% and -85% organic, compared to 2005). This will lead to a significant reduction in emissions from landfills between -79% to -82% in 2050, compared to 2005.Waste · Target year: 2050


