The Climate Risk Management Framework for Kenya outlines how the government intends to harmonise its climate change and disaster risk policies. According to the framework, there are ten priority areas that overlap between climate change and disaster risk policies, which can be areas for government intervention. Specifically, the government intends to:
- Harmonise programmes and projects and create a coordination mechanism among the national government (institutional framework);
- Create an enabling policy and legal framework for integrated climate risk management (policy framework);
- Build capacity at national and county level for integrated climate risk management (capacity building);
- Analyse the level of exposure, vulnerability to disasters, and capacity at the local scale (exposure, vulnerability, and capacity);
- Involve communities at risk, and consider gender and marginalized groups (gender mainstreaming);
- Mobilise financial resources for climate risk management (resource mobilization);
- Mainstream climate risk management into sector programmes, plans and activities (mainstreaming climate risk management);
- Design and implement pilot projects for climate risk management at county and national level (pilot projects);
- Enhance research and dissemination of information about climate risk management (training, research, and outreach);
- Create platforms for sharing lessons and good practices on integrated climate risk management (learning).