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Bus Back Better: national bus strategy for England

2021PolicyMitigationMore details
Sectors: Transport
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Bus Back Better: national bus strategy for England
  • By 2050, UK to achieve net zero.Economy-wide · Target year: 2050
  • By 2022, intend to launch the Net Zero Hydrogen Fund with £240M.Energy · Target year: 2022
  • By 2024, £22Bn a year of public funding for R&D.Energy · Target year: 2024
  • By 2023, first contracts to be allocated for the Hydrogen Business Model.Energy · Target year: 2023
  • By 2023, enable up to 20% hydrogen blending on the netwroks.Energy · Target year: 2023


