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Decree 144/2024, of 10-4-2024, approves the regulation of the RENOVA aid program

2024MitigationPolicyEdictMore details
Sectors: Energy, Buildings
This document approves the Regulations of the aid program for the improvement of the national real estate park, the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energies.It establishes the purpose of the RENOVA programme i.e. to regulate access to public aid to rehabilitate buildings located in Andorra to promote improvement of the conditions of habitability, accessibility, industrial safety and general safety of the building, facades, sustainability and energy efficiency, as well as the implementation of renewable energies in the real estate stock.Every year the programme will announce the opening of the call for applications for the Renova program for the improvement of the national real estate stockopen calls via an Edict. The actions that are the subject of aid are selected on a simple competitive basis, so that aid is awarded to applications that meet each and every one of the requirements established in the Renova program's rules.In each year, the applications are open until the budget available in the programme's annual call is exhausted.The available budget for the execution of the Renova program is considered exhausted when the last grant application is submitted that exhausts the amount established in the annual call for applications for the program. This closure of apllications is given the same publicity as the call for applications (it is published in the BOPA - official gazzette).
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Decree 144/2024 - Regulation of the aid program for the improvement of the national real estate stock, the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energies.
(Original Language)PDF

Other documents in this entry

Edict of 24-7-2024 announcing the precautionary closure of the call for the Renova program for the year 2024.
(Original Language)supporting documentationPDF
RENOVA Program (Pla Renova)
(Original Language)information webpageHTMLDocument preview is not currently available
Edict of 10-4-2024 announcing the opening of the call for applications for the Renova program for the year 2024.
(Original Language)supporting documentationPDF
Edict of 15-3-2023 announcing the opening of the call for applications for the Renova program for the 2023 financial year
(Original Language)supporting documentationPDF
Edict of 12-7-2023 announcing the closure of the calls for proposals for the Renova program for the year 2023.
(Original Language)supporting documentationPDF




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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.