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Andorra 2022 NDC Update

Andorra 2022 NDC Update, Nationally Determined Contribution from Andorra in 2022

Law 31/2022 for the development and diversification of the livestock and agricultural sectors

The purpose of this Law is to modify the legislative texts that, directly or indirectly, regulate the development of agriculture and livestock and to adapt them in order to favor the development and diversification of these activities and facilitate the generational transition , in order to ensure its durability. It also aims to create a legislative framework that is condu...

Law 25/2022 on circular economy (LEC)

According to article 1, this law aims to promote the transition towards a circular economy, moving from a linear economy to a more efficient and sustainable economic model that optimises the use of natural resources, minimises environmental impacts, promotes efficiency in achieving that products and resources maintain utility and value as long as possible and avoid materia...