"This law is a framework document that promotes energy transition and energy efficiency in order to combat climate change and encourage the adaptation of society to its effects, reduce energy dependence and strengthen the competitiveness of the economy. This law also promotes research and innovation, education and awareness of society in these areas. It notably contains dispositions on transport, energy, the role of the public sector, on the circular economy. Article 2 states that The aims of energy policy and the fight against climate change are: - To preserve human health, the environment and socio-economic activities, reducing the effects of climate change on citizens and exposure to air pollution; sources of energy supply, reducing fossil fuels and increasing renewable energies - Enhancing energy efficiency - Ensuring security of energy supply - Reducing dependence on energy imports - Maintaining a competitive energy price - To train all actors in the new context of the energy transition - To reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to move towards a carbon neutral society - To move towards a better adapted society climate change affecting, among other things, information, awareness-raising, education, training, participation and cooperation of citizens, - Encouraging development and the diffusion of innovation, new technologies and the accelerating behaviors of the energy transition and of the fight and adaptation in relation to climate change. Article 4 states that the hierarchical criteria for actions to ensure the energy transition are, in that order: - energy saving - energy efficiency - the use of energy from renewable sources - the use of energy low carbon; - and the use of high carbon energy, as a last resort. The regulations for the development of the Law and energy policy and the fight against climate change must respect this hierarchy and favor progressive application. Article 9 states that The Government promotes the Green Fund for the Energy Transition and the Fight against Climate Change, which it incorporates into the General Budget Bill, and which is intended to promote forecasts, plans or actions aimed at the object. of this Law. The Green Fund is fed by the finalist taxes that can be determined for this purpose, as well as the complementary budgetary allocations provided for in the general budget laws of the State, as well as the donations and contributions it receives and other possible income."
Law 16/2022 focuses on the building sector. The main goal is to promote the rehabilitation of the real estate park, the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings and the use of renewable energies in both existing and newly constructed buildings. Article 3 focuses on the promotion of the improvement of the building related to its sustainability, energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption, having a better energy rating. Article 6 establishes that the program encouraging the modernisation and improvement of the building sector will be based on direct subsidies and preferential loans to the promoters. Article 10 brings the conditions to benefit from aid and article 11 appoints the Office of Energy And Climate Change as the body in charge of managing the programme. It repeals the Law 21/2013 and repeals several provisions of the Law 21/2018 that referred to the Law 21/2013.
Law 37/2022 modifies two specific provisions of the Law 21/2018 , of September 13, on the promotion of the energy transition and climate change (Litecc), specifically article 20.3.b) ii. and article 22.3, in order to decouple the remuneration of the electricity injected into the network from the wholesale rate at which the distribution entities acquire the electricity from FEDA, and empower the Government to establish the remuneration conditions, by decree, that allow a reasonable amortization of the investment and operating costs, and thus limit the negative effect on the cost of the system's energy".