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Law No. 777 Comprehensive State Planning System

2016LegislativeAdaptation, Disaster Risk Management, Mitigation
The purpose of this Law is to establish the Comprehensive State Planning System (SPIE), which will lead the planning process for the comprehensive development of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, within the framework of Bien Vivir.This law stipulates that the Comprehensive State Planning System incorporates risk management, climate change management and life systems management in an integrated manner, strengthening the resilience capacities of society and nature. It also states thate the Economic and Social Development Plan must contain elements of the land use planning, on which the Governing Body of the Comprehensive State Planning System prepares the general framework and the National Land Use Plan, with a focus on life systems management, risk management and climate change, in coordination with the competent entities, which should be gradually consolidated in a comprehensive development territorial planning process.According to the law, the Sectoral Plans of Integral Develpoment (PSDI) take into account the territorialisation of actions in the jurisdictions of the territorial entities or other delimitations territorial, as appropriate, with a focus on life systems management, risk management and climate change. The Territorial Plan for Comprehensive Development of the autonomous territorial entity must contain the elements of human and comprehensive development, plural economy, and land use planning, with a focus on life systems management, risk management and climate change, consolidating gradually the articulation of comprehensive development planning with land use planning, in accordance with the central level of the State.
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Law No. 777 Comprehensive State Planning System

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The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.