This Decree establishes a national programme to conserve tropical forests in Peru, the general objective of which is to protect 54m ha of tropical forests as a contribution to the mitigation of climate change and to sustainable development. Strategic objectives are:
- Identify and map the areas to be conserved
- Promote productive forms of income connected to forest conservation for the most economically vulnerable local populations
- Strengthen the capacity to conserve forested areas at the regional gubernatorial level, as well as in indigenous and peasant communities
The programme will be housed within the Ministry of Environment. These state interventions should be co-ordinated with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of International Trade and Tourism. Programme funds will be allocated from the existing budget of the Ministry of Environment and/or with international funds.
In addition to the forest conservation hard-target, this plan also incorporates two international pledges: to halt slash-and-burn agriculture tactics (pledge made at 2008 UNFCCC-Poznan) and to reduce the rate of deforestation of primary forests to zero by 2020 (pledge made at the 2009 UNFCCC Copenhagen).
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- National Programme for the Conservation of Forests...
National Programme for the Conservation of Forests to Mitigate Climate Change, Executive Decree No. 008-2010-MINAN
Sectors: Agriculture, LULUCF
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing
Main document
National Programme for the Conservation of Forests to Mitigate Climate Change, Executive Decree No. 008-2010-MINAN
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- Preserve 54 million hectares by 2020LULUCF: Preservation · Target year: 2020

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.