Romania's long-term strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) includes the target for Romania to become climate neutral in 2050, reaching 99% net emission reduction in 2050, compared to the 1990 level. Romania's long-term strategy reflects the long-term vision for a modern economy and an efficient energy system that will contribute to the fulfilment of the commitments assumed by the Paris Agreement, as well as the opportunities and challenges in terms of reducing anthropogenic gas emissions with a greenhouse effect and increasing absorptions by absorbers in order to reach the temperature targets set out in the Paris Agreement.
The mission to Decarbonise includes specific steps and roadmaps at the sectoral level, with the following key sectors:
a) energy
b) industry (including the energy consuming industry together with industrial processes and product use - IPPU)
c) transport: Road, Rail, Air, Water, Multimodal
d) buildings and Heating & Cooling
e) agriculture and Forestry
f) waste