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National Policy of Sustainable Production and Consumption 2018-2030

2018AdaptationPolicyPolicyMore details
Sectors: Agriculture, Tourism
This policy aims at strenghtening the maximum number of initiatives that allow Costa Rica to confidently switch to a socio-productivist structure that is socially, environmentally and economically sustainable. These initiatives are notably meant to respond to the objectives set in the Agenda 2030. The Policy was officially approved by Decree no 41032. According to this document, the mid-term developement of the country must be sustainable, ensure the protection of human rights and be inclusive. The Policy sets seven strategic areas where to seek sustainability: 1) production, 2) agricultural systems, 3) tourism, 4) lifestyle, 5) construction, 6) public purchases, and 7) ensure a reinforcement of institutions. "Green jobs" in particular are deemed essential to contribute to climate change adaptation efforts.
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main documents

National Sustainable Production and Consumption Policy 2018-2030
National Sustainable Production and Consumption Policy 2018-2030

Other documents in this entry

Officialization of the National Production and Sustainable Consumption Policy
supporting legislationPDF




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.