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Grenelle II

2010MitigationLegislativeLawMore details
Sectors: Buildings, Energy, Transport
This law specifies the Grenelle I objectives in order to facilitate their implementation. 

Energy - supply-side policies: 
  • Better linkage of renewable energy to the main energy network 
  • Support and administrative facilitation for wind power 
  • Incentives for solar power 
  • Regulation of experimental carbon storage installations 

Energy - demand-side policies: 
  • Carbon tax (abandoned and later re-introduced by the Fiscal Law 2014)
  • Publication of regional programmes for climate and energy within a year of the law entering into force 
  • Improvement of energy saving certification schemes 
  • Improvement of energy consumers' information on their level of consumption and means of reduction 
  • Improvement of buildings efficiency (e.g. State sector - reduce energy consumption by at least 40% by 2020 and their GHG emissions by 50%)
Resilient infrastructure, Fossil fuel divestment, Net zero growth plan, Sustainable fishing

Main document

Grenelle II
  • Reduce energy consumption by at least 40% by 2020 and their GHG emissions by 50% by 2020 against a 2010 baselineEnergy: Energy Efficiency · Target year: 2020




CCLW national policies

The summary of this document was written by researchers at the Grantham Research Institute . If you want to use this summary, please check terms of use for citation and licensing of third party data.