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- National Program for Sustainable Urban Transport
National Program for Sustainable Urban Transport
2019Adaptation, MitigationPolicyDecree
Sectors: Transport
This decree establishes the National Sustainable Urban Transport Program, PROMOBILITY, within the scope of the Ministry of Transport. The main objective of the Program is to promote sustainable transport within cities in a way that includes the promotion of both climate change mitigation and adpationa measures. Specific objectives of the measure include: a) Contribute to improving the institutional and technical capacities of local governments for the development and management of urban transport within their competence, through the formation of human capital in the corresponding municipalities. b) Support in the planning, the formulation of studies and technical files of investments and actions in transport and urban traffic under the approach and standards indicated in paragraph 2.1 of article 2, as well as carry out the monitoring and evaluation of their execution in the framework of its objectives and purpose. c) Promote the execution of actions and investments that result from urban transport planning in local governments through their management and co-financing, within the framework of budgetary capacity.
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National Program for Sustainable Urban Transport
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